D'source Corona Design Challenge

IDC School of Design na Indian Institute of Technology Bombay raspisuje natječaj na temu pandemije korona virusom. Natječaj je namijenjen studentima i mladim dizajnerima s individualnim ili suradničkim projektima, a prijave su otvorene do 15. svibnja.
The Corona Virus pandemic, although unfortunate and calamitous in its occurrence, has also thrown open opportunities for the design community to play a meaningful role in mitigating and containing its effects. While the problem is a universal one, framing the problem for designing may require both global as well as local sensibilities.
Against this broad, calamitous yet reflective context we need you to brainstorm and look for opportunities where design can now make a difference to a grave real life threat.
We, therefore, welcome you to this D'source Corona Design Challenge in seeking creative, innovative, out-of-the-box, resourceful, appropriate solutions. Because there seems no better time than now to use your creative energies and come out with solution(s) that might become a contribution of immense benefit in a real world situation that is today crying for problem-solving.
Our intention is to make these solutions available on an open design platform for the maximum benefit of people. The chosen entries will be generously felicitated with accolades. The chosen entries will also be made available as part of our open design initiative, free to download. In this regard, we will follow the protocols of Creative Commons. This International call is open to students, fresh graduates, and young designers from around the world. You may work as individuals or work as collaborative groups. You are also encouraged to follow a design process in solving a problem, as well as seek guidance from faculty members and professionals, because we recognise that it takes collective endeavor to come out with something meaningful.
For the D'source Corona Design Challenge, nine design problem areas have been identified. You may choose to work on one or more than one area. Additionally, you have a choice of identifying your own design problem area outside of the nine listed areas to work with. Accordingly, we request the following groups to work as stakeholders with your community of young students, fresh graduates, and young designers, by extending your help in whatever way possible.
To faculty members/teachers, we request that you take the initiative to inform, motivate and guide your students to work on finding solutions by addressing the problem areas listed.
To all working professionals, we request that you volunteer some of your time to mentor students or young designers who may be working with you as interns or colleagues.
Accordingly, we also urge faculty members and professionals to go ahead and register so that we can keep you in the loop and acknowledge your help. Further, this will help us build connections and form networks for future references.
The first cut-off date for submission: 15th May, 2020.
Announcement of results: 31st May 2020
Contact Details:
D’source Corona Design Challenge
IDC School of Design
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India.
Phone Number (after the lock-out period in Mumbai) +91-022-2576 7820
Do contact us by email for any queries: DsourceChallenge@gmail.com
Webspace with details: www.dsource.in/dportal/dcdc2020/